Reading what you want to hear

Jason Fried and David Heinemeyer Hanson’s Rework just set my world on fire when I first read it. My whole outlook on work changed, and it continues to be a book I return to, and the one I most recommend to others.

Naturally, I’m a regular reader of their blog and all their other books, including their latest It Doesn’t Have to be Crazy at Work. It too is a great read – arguably a better, more complete, and certainly more updated collection of their business outlook and opinions. But I had a hard time getting through it.

It’s just too familiar – too similar to what I’ve already read. It’s like I could predict their points before they were made. I had been reading too much of these guys.

This isn’t to say I got nothing from their latest book, nor that you shouldn’t read writing from your favorite authors. Simply to be aware when you’re reading something to simply validate & support your existing opinions, versus trying to enter unfamiliar territory.

The moment you feel like the writing is just telling you what you want to know, it may be worth branching out to something new for awhile. Embracing the unfamiliar won’t be as easy, but it’s probably the only way you’ll come across your next life-changing book.