Learning through accountability

You can now learn a new language or technical skill from dozens of sites online, or in-person courses. If you’re anything like me, you idealize yourself completing all of those courses and expanding your knowledge. But the truth is that the majority of those courses we never complete, let alone start.

The problem is accountability. When we can drop in and drop out of any course, when we know the knowledge will always be there if and when we need it, when there’s no penalty for skipping a day of class – the impetus is gone to expend much effort to learn today.

That’s why the programs with strong adoption establish some element of accountability to drive the right behavior. The altMBA does it by creating social pressure to show up and contribute each week. Other institutions do it by establishing ranking and grades to create the idea that you’re working towards something. Either can work, though I quite like the altMBA approach, because it turns out, social pressure is one of the best motivators.