Retracing my steps

I’ve been writing here every weekday for months, and because of that frequency, the days blur together. I don’t often recall well what I wrote a week ago. Let alone a day or two ago. Part of that is because writing here is a morning ritual that is terminated by starting my workday. I step out of one state of mind into another. I think it’s the same reason why we tend to forget something we needed to do the moment we walk out the front door. It’s like a light switches off.

Because I don’t often remember my past posts in detail, I sometimes wonder if I am retreading stale territory. And I probably am. I’m not sure it would be possible for me to be completely unique ever day. But I suppose the point of this process is not to build a library of unique viewpoints. Instead it’s an evolution where I can return to ideas to form them further, post by post.