
In work we’re usually managing inboxes, slack threads, project management tasks, and more. The problem is they’re all disconnected, and each have their own systems for prioritizing & reminders.

I’ve found that using a totally separate system for managing these requests is key to properly triage what matters now and what can be dealt with later. For me, that’s Todoist, and it’s my secret weapon to ensure I never forget a task or fall too far behind.

But it’s not just a matter of dumping all your tasks into Todoist. I’ve oscillated with a few variations of productivity systems over they years. For awhile, I was trying to manage all my work out of Todoist, but eventually I discovered that the tool is best used for prioritizing & logging all the loose ends, and when the work needs to get done, handing them back in the contextually relevant systems.

So speaking about this practically, this means that if I get asked to pull a report or solve a one-off issue, I’ll usually drop that request into my Todoist inbox first, like a waiting room. From there, I’ll periodically review what’s in that list and determine what needs to be dealt with next. I’ll take that request and put it where it needs to be done – in email, slack, or perhaps a project management tool.

The dream of one place for everything is probably not realistic, especially in collaborative team environments. But one place for triage ? Now that’s doable.