The daily vitamin reminder

The daily vitamin/pill reminder may seem like a mundane, boring product, but it’s in fact the perfect habit forming tool.

To borrow the framework set forth by James Clear in Atomic Habits, the steps to design good habits are:

  • Make it obvious: Simply setting out your vitamin reminder on the counter you pass every morning will do the trick here.
  • Make it attractive: Your daily vitamin is typically something you take with food. So taking your vitamin = time to eat a tasty breakfast
  • Make it easy: You’ve already done the legwork of laying out exactly the pills you need to take — all you need to do is swallow them.
  • Make it satisfying: The weekly pill reminder is its own checklist — the empty segments mean another day you successfully completed. And who doesn’t love to cross off an item on a list?

Daily vitamins solved, surely there must be other areas of life solved with a similarly simple and elegant solution.