Blow it up

I’m in a music rut. Every time I look through my Spotify library and recommendations, things just feel stale. The recommendation algorithm seems to be in a positive feedback loop, and now I’m just seeing more of the same.

Some days, it’s enough to convince yourself that there’s no new music out there you might like. It’s the dark side of overreliance on algorithms: since you get fed only what you like, you lose sight of any other universe other than the one manufactured for you (see also: any feed-based news/social media).

I’ve grown to dislike most algorithm-based recommendations, but music is one area where I’ve seen a tremendous amount of value, especially within Spotify. Over the years it’s introduced me to countless genres and artists I never would have explored otherwise. But knowing the tendency of these recommendations to get caught in a circuitous loop – sometimes you just need to blow it up and start fresh again.

Spotify, regrettably doesn’t make this easy – you basically have to start an entirely new account. Which seems a little ludicrous at first, but is it really? I may just try it.

There’s a great case to be made for doing the same on your social media – start fresh with the stuff you’re following and reading, and see where that new path leads you. Unfollow everything, then build it back up. See what you actually miss. You can spend your whole life consuming what you already like – but there’s a whole world of stuff that you love – you just haven’t discovered it yet.